I’ve always wondered where the autosupports were held on the NetApp, specifically to see if my autosupports are being processed on new client sites. I’m not sure about other releases, but on 8.x releases (they’re most likely in the same location), they’re stored here:


NetApp has released some commands in the 8.1.x code line release to check autosupport information.

netapp> autosupport
autosupport destinations
autosupport history
autosupport manifest
autosupport trigger

You will get some outputs like this:

netapp> autosupport history show
Seq                                    Attempt Last
Num   Destination Status               Count   Update
----- ----------- -------------------- ------- --------------------
      smtp        ignore               1       2/6/2013 09:35:46
      http        sent-successful      1       2/6/2013 09:35:49
      noteto      ignore               1       2/6/2013 09:35:46
      smtp        collection-failed    -       2/6/2013 09:34:51
      http        collection-failed    -       2/6/2013 09:34:51
      noteto      collection-failed    -       2/6/2013 09:34:51