I’ve gotten a little further. I’ve refined my perl script so that it gets data from various more reliable sources within GX. It’s been crazy busy at work but I should have the solution posted this week. 🙂 Read on for some screenshots.
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I’ve gotten a little further. I’ve refined my perl script so that it gets data from various more reliable sources within GX. It’s been crazy busy at work but I should have the solution posted this week. 🙂 Read on for some screenshots.
16 years agoNice! I will be interested to see the final product. Hopefully Netapp will have some monitoring improvements in the coming year such that scripting is not needed.
Steve Graham
16 years agoCurious how you are doing with getting cacti to work with GX. I’m really just looking to monitor volume usage. If you have any config files/script I’d really love to see them. Thanks!
16 years agoAny further updates on this? I’d like to try it out..
16 years agoLooks good. We’re going to miss Operations Manager that we use to monitor the performance of our OnTap boxes but we use cacti to monitor our switches, so if we can use it to monitor GX that would be great.
16 years agoI am still interested as well!