Gathering snapshot statistics is a tedious task when looking at autosupports and cli output. I needed to gather information about oldest snapshot, average number of snaps per day, total snapshots, and other various information.
A powershell script using the Data ONTAP PS Library. Read more for the script.
NetApp-Gather Snapshot Information
This script will collect snapshot information, summary and detail
Including Created Time, Total Snaps, Total Days, Avg Per Day, Oldest, etc
PS S:\102 – Scripts> & ‘.\NetApp-Gather Snapshot Information v1.1.ps1’ -nodes, -username “domain\username” -IsVerbose
PS S:\102 – Scripts> & ‘.\NetApp-Gather Snapshot Information v1.1.ps1’
cmdlet NetApp-Gather Snapshot Information v1.1.ps1 at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
username: domain\username
password: *************
.PARAMETER (IsVerbose)
Use this parameter to display snap detail ( & ‘.\NetApp-Gather Snapshot Information v1.1.ps1’ -IsVerbose )
Written by Thomas Lasswell, TechColumnist
Version 1.1
[powershell]# #############################################################################<br>
# NAME: NetApp-Gather Snapshot Information<br>
# AUTHOR: Thomas Lasswell, TechColumnist<br>
# DATE: 2014/01/21<br>
# EMAIL: lasswellt at<br>
# COMMENT: This script will collect snapshot information, summary and detail<br>
# Including Created Time, Total Snaps, Total Days, Avg Per Day, Oldest, etc<br>
# 1.0 2014.01.17 Initial Version.<br>
# 1.1 2014.01.21 Added CSV export, days old column fixed<br>
# TO ADD<br>
# #############################################################################</p>
NetApp-Gather Snapshot Information</p>
This script will collect snapshot information, summary and detail<br>
Including Created Time, Total Snaps, Total Days, Avg Per Day, Oldest, etc</p>
PS S:\102 - Scripts&amp;gt; &amp;amp; '.\NetApp-Gather Snapshot Information v1.1.ps1' -nodes, -username &amp;quot;domain\username&amp;quot; -IsVerbose</p>
PS S:\102 - Scripts&amp;gt; &amp;amp; '.\NetApp-Gather Snapshot Information v1.1.ps1'</p>
<p>cmdlet NetApp-Gather Snapshot Information v1.1.ps1 at command pipeline position 1<br>
Supply values for the following parameters:<br>
username: domain\username<br>
password: *************</p>
<p>.PARAMETER (IsVerbose)<br>
Use this parameter to display snap detail ( &amp;amp; '.\NetApp-Gather Snapshot Information v1.1.ps1' -IsVerbose )</p>
Written by Thomas Lasswell, iVision<br>
Version 1.1</p>
#Get Parameters -- nodes is each node, when finished, hit enter and it will continue<br>
Param (<br>
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True,ParameterSetName = 'Secret')]<br>
#create outfile information<br>
$exedir= Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent<br>
$currentDate= (get-date -format yyyymmdd.Hm.s)<br>
$outsummary= ($exedir + &amp;quot;\&amp;quot; + &amp;quot;GatherSnapshotInformation_&amp;quot; + $currentDate + &amp;quot;_Summary.csv&amp;quot;)<br>
$outdetails= ($exedir + &amp;quot;\&amp;quot; + &amp;quot;GatherSnapshotInformation_&amp;quot; + $currentDate + &amp;quot;_Detail.csv&amp;quot;)</p>
<p>#Load ONTAP PowerShell Toolkit<br>
$module = Get-Module DataONTAP<br>
if ($module -EQ $NULL)<br>
Import-Module DataONTAP<br>
$requiredVersion = New-Object System.Version(1.2)<br>
if ((Get-NaToolkitVersion).CompareTo($requiredVersion) -LT 0) { throw }<br>
catch [Exception]<br>
Write-Host &amp;quot;`nThis script requires Data ONTAP PowerShell Toolkit 1.2 or higher`n&amp;quot; -ForegroundColor Red<br>
$cred = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $username, $password</p>
<p>#function to calculate difference in dates<br>
function Get-DateDiff {<br>
param (<br>
if ($date2 -gt $date1){$diff = $date2 - $date1}<br>
else {$diff = $date1 - $date2}<br>
#declare object arrays<br>
$objDetail = @()<br>
$objSummary = @()</p>
<p>#connect to each node individually<br>
foreach ($node in $nodes){<br>
Write-Host &amp;quot;connecting to node $node...&amp;quot;<br>
$conn = Connect-NaController -name $node -HTTPS -Credential $cred<br>
$snapinfoS = @()<br>
$snapinfoD = @()</p>
<p> if ( $conn -ne $null ) {<br>
Write-host &amp;quot;node connected, continuing on to snapshot calculations...&amp;quot;<br>
Write-host &amp;quot;gathering node volumes...&amp;quot;<br>
$vols = Get-NaVol | ? {$_.state -eq &amp;quot;online&amp;quot; -and $_.raidstatus -notmatch &amp;quot;read-only&amp;quot;}<br>
if ( $vols -ne $null ) {<br>
foreach ($vol in $vols) {<br>
Write-host &amp;quot;gathering snapshots for volume $vol...&amp;quot;<br>
#get snapshots<br>
$snaps= Get-NaSnapshot -targetname $vol</p>
<p> #group to count snapshots per day<br>
$snapsdatecount= $snaps | Group { ((Get-date) - $_.Created).Days } -NoElement | Sort Name -Descending<br>
#measure to get count and average, average is average snapshots per day<br>
$totalavgdays= $snapsdatecount | Measure-Object Count -ave | Select Count,Average<br>
$avgdays= $totalavgdays.Average<br>
$totaldays= $totalavgdays.Count</p>
<p> #calculate sum of snapshots for total snapshot consumption<br>
$totalsize= $snaps | Measure-Object Total -Sum | Select Count,Sum<br>
$ftotalsize= ConvertTo-FormattedNumber $totalsize.sum DataSize &amp;quot;0.0&amp;quot;</p>
<p> #get oldest snapshot<br>
$foldestsnap= $snaps | Sort Created -Descending | Select-Object -Last 1</p>
<p> #build array for summary<br>
if ($avgdays -ne $null){<br>
$summaryprop = @{'Node'=$node;<br>
$objectS = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Prop $summaryprop<br>
$objSummary += $objectS<br>
<p> foreach ($snap in $snaps){<br>
$daysold= Get-DateDiff (get-date) $snap.created;<br>
$ftotal= ConvertTo-FormattedNumber $ DataSize &amp;quot;0.0&amp;quot;;<br>
$fcumulative= ConvertTo-FormattedNumber $snap.CumulativeTotal DataSize &amp;quot;0.0&amp;quot;;</p>
<p> #build array for details<br>
$detailprop = @{'Node'=$node;<br>
$objectD = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Prop $detailprop<br>
$objDetail += $objectD<br>
if ($IsVerbose){<br>
$snaps | ft `<br>
@{Expression={$node};Label=&amp;quot;Node name&amp;quot;;Width=20},`<br>
@{E = {'{0} Days' -f (Get-DateDiff (get-date) $_.created).days};L=&amp;quot;Days Old&amp;quot;;W=20},`<br>
@{Expression={ConvertTo-FormattedNumber $_.Total DataSize &amp;quot;0.0&amp;quot;};Label=&amp;quot;Total&amp;quot;;Width=15},`<br>
@{Expression={ConvertTo-FormattedNumber $_.CumulativeTotal DataSize &amp;quot;0.0&amp;quot;};Label=&amp;quot;Cumulative&amp;quot;;Width=10} -autosize `<br>
| Out-String -Width 1000 | Write-Host<br>
if ($avgdays -eq $null){ Write-Host &amp;quot;`tNo Snapshots Exist on $vol...&amp;quot;}<br>
<p>#save files<br>
$objSummary | Select Node, Volume, TotalSnaps, TotalDays, AvgPerDay, TotalSize, Oldest | Export-CSV -Path $outsummary -NoTypeInformation<br>
$objDetail | Select Node, Volume, Name, Created, DaysOld, TotalSize, CumulativeTotal | Export-CSV -Path $outdetails -NoTypeInformation<br>
I was curious to see what ChatGPT code interpreter would do with this code and this is it’s output.
NetApp-Gather Snapshot Information
This script collects snapshot information, summary, and detail.
Including Created Time, Total Snaps, Total Days, Avg Per Day, Oldest, etc.
Written by Thomas Lasswell, TechColumnist
Version 1.1
Param (
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True,ParameterSetName = 'Secret')]
$exedir = Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent
$currentDate = (Get-Date -format "yyyyMMdd.Hms")
$outsummary = -join ($exedir, "\GatherSnapshotInformation_", $currentDate, "_Summary.csv")
$outdetails = -join ($exedir, "\GatherSnapshotInformation_", $currentDate, "_Detail.csv")
Import-Module DataONTAP -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
try {
$requiredVersion = New-Object System.Version(1.2)
if ((Get-NaToolkitVersion).CompareTo($requiredVersion) -LT 0) { throw "This script requires Data ONTAP PowerShell Toolkit 1.2 or higher." }
} catch {
Write-Host "`nThis script requires Data ONTAP PowerShell Toolkit 1.2 or higher`n" -ForegroundColor Red
$cred = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $username, $password
function Get-DateDiff {
param (
return [Math]::Abs(($date2 - $date1).Days)
$objDetail = @()
$objSummary = @()
foreach ($node in $nodes) {
Write-Host "Connecting to node $node..."
$conn = Connect-NaController -name $node -HTTPS -Credential $cred
if ($conn) {
Write-host "Node connected, continuing on to snapshot calculations..."
$vols = Get-NaVol | Where-Object {$_.state -eq "online" -and $_.raidstatus -notmatch "read-only"}
foreach ($vol in $vols) {
$snaps = Get-NaSnapshot -targetname $vol
$snapsdatecount = $snaps | Group-Object { ($_.Created).Days } -NoElement | Sort-Object Name -Descending
$totalavgdays = $snapsdatecount | Measure-Object Count -Average | Select-Object Count,Average
$totalsize = $snaps | Measure-Object Total -Sum | Select-Object Count,Sum
$foldestsnap = $snaps | Sort-Object Created -Descending | Select-Object -Last 1
if ($totalavgdays.Average) {
$summaryprop = @{
'Node' = $node;
'Volume' = $vol;
'TotalSnaps' = $snaps.length;
'TotalDays' = $totalavgdays.Count;
'AvgPerDay' = $totalavgdays.Average;
'TotalSize' = [System.Math]::Round($totalsize.Sum, 2);
'Oldest' = $foldestsnap.created
$objSummary += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $summaryprop
foreach ($snap in $snaps) {
$daysold = Get-DateDiff (Get-Date) $snap.created
$detailprop = @{
'Node' = $node;
'Volume' = $vol;
'Name' = $;
'Created' = $snap.created;
'DaysOld' = $daysold;
'TotalSize' = [System.Math]::Round($, 2);
'CumulativeTotal' = [System.Math]::Round($snap.CumulativeTotal, 2)
$objDetail += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $detailprop
} else {
Write-Host "`tNo Snapshots Exist on $vol..."
$objSummary | Export-CSV -Path $outsummary -NoTypeInformation
$objDetail | Export-CSV -Path $outdetails -NoTypeInformation
Landon Chelf
10 years agoI’m trying to use your script and my powershell skills are on the novice level. I’m looking at the output of the average per day which I believe is meant to be the average snap delta. What is the size that it’s based on KB, MB, GB, or TB? I try and take the TotalSize and divide it by the number of days and it is not the same amount or even close. Please email me so we can work this out as your script seems very useful for calculating change rate and auditing the oldest snapshots.
Landon Chelf
10 years agoNevermind, I just noticed that I misread that you are calculating the average snaps/day not the snap delta average. I can work with this and see if I can get it give the output I’m looking for.
10 years agoah yeah, i wasn’t concerned about the snap delta between the snapshots with this script, more around how many were being taken per day to compare to retention policies for those volumes. glad you’re finding this script useful!
Andrey Y
10 years agoGather Volume scripts works fine, Snapshot errors out wonder if you could help me sort it out.
PS C:\Users\ayasnogor\Netapp Reports> .\NetApp-GatherSnapshotInformationv2.ps1
Missing closing ‘)’ in expression.
At C:\Users\ayasnogor\Netapp Reports\NetApp-GatherSnapshotInformationv2.ps1:55 char:5
+ <<<< [Array]$nodes,
+ CategoryInfo : ParserError: (CloseParenToken:TokenId) [], ParseException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : MissingEndParenthesisInExpression