Powershell: Connect to LogicMonitor’s REST API
It’s been a while since I’ve posted. Way too long. I’ve had this script for quite a while that...
7-mode autotask backup blog bookmark cacti camera cisco cli cluster ConfigMgr connectwise Datacenter dfm dfs fun gx home isy logicmonitor netapp network oncommand ontap opsmgr photos powershell reporting san SCOM script sme sms2003 snapshots soap srm ssd ssh tasks toy uptimedevices vmware vmx vol work
It’s been a while since I’ve posted. Way too long. I’ve had this script for quite a while that...
When using AutoTask’s API it’s required to lookup a various amount of picklist values that are used in updating...
This is a simple script to gather volume information including dedupe schedule and autogrow settings. I’m going to combine...
Found a solution on the NetApp communities for deleting the Informational events that plague OnCommand Core. https://communities.netapp.com/message/94591#94591
Problem: Gathering snapshot statistics is a tedious task when looking at autosupports and cli output. I needed to gather...
Just a quick note about configuring SSH on a Cisco Catalyst 4900M Switch: Note: You can leave the “telnet”...
I was tasked with migrating a VMware 4.1 to 5.1 environment. This created a slight issue due to the...
Script to list all the VMs that exist within your vCenter Server with their datastore.
A quick bookmark for later: http://rufus.akeo.ie/
A slightly modified version of a scriptingGuy post to find NetApp software installed from a csv file (export from...